New Jersey 2007

Boat Wars

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Photos and Articles by Matt Lurrie


For as long as I have sat in history classes, I was taught that only Congress has the ability to declare war.  I soon found out that that war power was reserved for our representatives and Campus Kids' activity coordinators.  Monday night was boat wars.
Senior groups would have to construct a boat out of dorm room materials and race it across the pool.

Boat designs varied.

But questions were asked when one group showed up with, essentially, a human boat.

Mitch explained that over the weekend, Centenary College's cleaning staff had happened upon their vessel and, unknowingly, dismantled and disposed of it.

They entered more as a participant than a competitor, since, leg use is prohibited.

Racers boarded their boats.
Early on, though, one boat collapsed.


...and was promptly removed.


The rest were off
In the end, The Killer Queens came out on top...

...making them one of two boats to make it all the way.

And the winner was announced by Sara and Jeremy, the event's organizers.

And Christine wanted a "good picture of" herself on the website.

With time to spare before canteen, the evening turned to a pool party.  

One of the wonderful things about technology for someone like me is that after I spend the time to recount the night's events, edit the pictures, and lay them out in a manner pleasing to the eye, you could just watch the video (the reason I include it at the end)

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