New Jersey 2007


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Photos and Articles by Matt Lurrie


During the first three sessions, there is one big all-encompassing sports tournament.  But in the last two, instead of one big basketball, frisbee, or soccer tournament, many smaller ones are put on.  Today was the Marathon (Tournament).  Campers and counselors had the choice of running one or two miles.

But first, everyone stretched.

Some even dressed for the occasion.

The race was simply a measured one around the campus, as could be seen from flyers hung up throughout the quad.


Everyone lined up on the starting line, and when the shout was heard, they were off.


Being that I was celebrating Pajama Night, and therefore couldn't run long distances, I picked a stationary spot from which to photograph runners.

...right by the water station.
After an either one or two mile journey, runners made their way down the final stretch into the quad.
People were tired, to say the least...
...but triumphant. 

Great thanks must go to Kali and Jeana, the organizers of this event and leaders of daily jogging activities.

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