Covert Calico!
Article and Photos by Abi Brennan
(click on photos to enlarge)

Covert Calico was a fun game for the older girl's division this session at camp. Every girl in the division gets another girl in the division who she may or may not know. Once assigned a girl, you must get them little presents. Whether making them or buying them, it was a fun game for the girls to play. With each present delivered, you left a clue about who you were. Today, the girls all got to meet up and find out who their Covert Calico was!

Right after lunch all the girls headed over to the Announcements Tree.

Stu took a quick picture of the entire division.

Kali announced some quick information about the game and offered assistance to anyone who needed it.

Everyone introduced themselves and gave the gifts.

Awesome presents were given...

And awesome friends were made!

Everyone was all smiles by the end of the fun!

Way to go, Calicos!