Photos and Article by Doug Bienstock
(click on photos to enlarge)

After losing Deal or No Deal a few nights ago, the Senior girls were in for a very special surprise at snack today! The girls' case, "Ryan's Choice of Very Bad Things," is possibly the worst case to choose in the game. This time, the girls had the privilege of washing the extremely dirty weekend adventure vans!

The vans were absolutely covered in mud and filth after the adventurous weekend.

The girls were given a sponges, soapy water, buckets, and a hose to rinse off the suds.

Not all the water was being used to clean the vans though...

While the Seniors were outside cleaning, inside the vans a lot of work was going on too.

James and Jibran worked really really hard finishing the last bag of chips from Weekend Adventure.

The extremely sticky tree sap on the windows were especially hard to clean off!

After all this I think the girls learned a very important lesson. Never get "Ryan's Choice of Very Bad Things" in your case at Deal or No Deal!

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