Cheryl Tarnofsky
Magic Beans Counselor
Staff Interview
Hi Cheryl! Tell us about where you are from:  I'm from Westfield, New Jersey. It's not that much fun.
What do you do when you're not at camp?  I go to school at Savannah College of Art and Design. I'm studying fibers, which is weaving, dying fabrics, knitting, crocheting and textile design. I also ride my bike a lot.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?  Hopefully, living in a city with a yoga instructor's certification. I'll be working as an art therapist.
What are your favorite camp activities?  Squash, shoe golf, bead looming and drama games.
Would you rather live in Morocco and speak English or speak Arabic in America?  I'd rather live in Morocco and speak English, because Moroccans would be more accepting of a foreigner than Americans are.
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