Tom Riddleberger
Camp Director
Staff Interview
Hi Tom! Tell us about where you are from:  Well, I was born in Brooklyn, New York, when the Dodgers were still in town, but I currently live in Madison, New Jersey, the Rose City.
What do you do when you're not at camp?  I feel like I'm always at camp, because I spend every day of the year thinking about camp and planning for the next summer. But, some of the other things I do are go to the theater and concerts, read, listen to music, and visit the Adirondacks.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?  I'm not very good at planning the future of my life, but it's hard for me to believe that I won't still be having fun at Campus Kids.
What are your favorite camp activities?  If I were a camper, I would choose Ultimate Frisbee, drums, tennis, ceramics, dodge ball, and hiking, which means that I think we need to do more hiking at Campus Kids.
During the beginning of camp, what is the one thing that blatantly tells you that camp has started?  When I pick up the sundial from the front porch of my home (which is also where the camp office is) and bring it up to the patio of Annie Hall.
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