photos and article by
Zach Blaifeder

(click on photos to enlarge)
This week, history was made at Campus Kids-New Jersey.   During a Wednesday football activity, some people wanted to play football, while others wanted to play soccer.
  Hence, Jarball, was invented.
Named after its founders, Jibran, Adam, and Royce, Jarball consists of a set of specifically written rules.
First, Royce explained how to play Jarball.  
And the teams were made.
To start the game, each team gathers in a circle. Then the football is thrown up in the air.  Once the football makes three bounces, signaled by the chanting of J.A.R, the game is ready to begin!
The game's rules are easy to follow. Players kick the football, and cannot touch it with their hands, just like soccer.
If the ball goes out of bounds, it is thrown back in.
To score, one must kick the ball into the end zone, and a teammate must catch it on the fly or on one bounce. If you catch the ball with one bounce, your team gets one point. If you catch the ball on the fly, your team gets two points. If you kick the ball and catch it yourself, your team gets three points.
  After a post game pep talk, it seemed like the group had a great time.
I think it's safe to say that Jarball is here to stay!
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