Canteen Delight
(to be read in a British Accent)
By: Jess Hoffman
  Twas not a fancy dinner, restaurant, or even a café,
What awaited was merely at Canteen on a fine summer day.
Sir Ethan, a camper in the Junior Division,
Had made a very bold, and well-thought out decision.
  He set up a towel as a cloth, and a flashlight as a candle,
The atmosphere was exquisite, too exquisite to handle.
But some felt that they could, so they came over and sat,
It was a ravishing time with Meg, Kiran, and Kat.
  Pretending it was tea, they poured water in their cup,
With British accents, napkins in shirts, and always a pinky up.
They thought they could not get any fancier, this was definitely true,
Until a fabulous, polite waiter came along, by the wonderful name of Stu.
  Katie wandered over, as did another friend,
But, she spilled over her "tea" (water) and she thought that was the end!
As she bellowed out, "Curse Me!", others did help clean,
And they still accepted her, because it's not proper to be mean.
  As the eve progressed, and Canteen had to soon come to a close,
They dabbed their faces, cleaned up, and were about to get ready for their doze.
Before the final goodbye, they looked over to the rest of the barbaric** mass,
Admiring themselves and their beautiful amount of class.
  But to stop and reflect, Sir Ethan demonstrated what can be seen,
Is that everyday activities, can be spicened up, especially at Canteen!
***They're definitely not barbaric, just used as a poetic device to juxtapose the classyness of their meal.. yay English concepts!
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