Bunk Group: a group
of 8-10 campers living in one hallway with 2 (sometimes 3) bunk
counselors. Sounds simple, right? Well, it turns out that bunk groups do
a lot more than simply sharing a space to live. They are essentially the
family unit here at camp. Because everyone at CK gets to choose their
own activities, it is important for each camper to have a support net
that they can return to at the end of the day. So what does it mean to
be a part of a bunk group? |
To start, on Monday mornings, the counselors greet
their campers as they get off the bus and help them back to the dorm. |
Their counselors also help them
choose activities after announcements. |
The bunk group as a whole, also
eats meals... |
hangs out during bunk times... |
sits at snack and... |
at the weekly shows together. |
One of the most important aspects of the bunk group is nightly bunk
meetings. This time is used to catch up with one another after being
separated for a large part of the day. |
The content of bunk meetings
varies greatly, as some use classic activities while... |
others bring brand new ideas never seen at bunk meetings before. The
Galaxy Gals even had their own tea party complete with British accents! |
Because CK is divided into 4 2-week sessions, there are constantly
campers coming and leaving camp. This doesn't mean that there are
separate bunk groups for 2 week, 4 week, 6 week, and 8 week campers but
instead, the members of the bunk group are constantly changing. Each
week there is a different group dynamic because of the uniqueness of
every camper. |
Although the campers may be extremely different, time spent with a bunk
group equals memories that will last forever. |