Instructional Swim
By: Zach Blaifeder
Out of all activities at Campus Kids-New Jersey, one activity is required. That activity is instructional swim!
Prior to entering the pool, campers change into their bathing suits and take a shower.
  The seemingly quiet pool will soon be filled with happy campers eager to learn something new!
As campers emerge from the locker room, some counselors like to test the waters!
Swim instruction here is taught in accordance to the standard's of the American Red Cross. Each camper is tested at the beginning of each session, and is then placed in a swim group based on his/her swimming abilities. The goal here is that campers will receive the necessary swim instruction to further improve their swimming skills.
 The counselors are a vital part to swim instruction.
They teach campers how to do many things including... freestyle...
  and treading water!
Kickboards and flippers are used sometimes to help campers master a certain stroke.
Swim Instruction cannot be possible without life guards!
  When swim instruction is over the whistle is blown...
and campers get out of the pool, smiling because of the great time they had!
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