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New Jersey 2006 |
Clubs Click a picture to enlarge it. Photos and Articles by Matt Lurrie
When I first heard the name clubs a mere five years ago, the name threw me off. "Clubs?" I thought. "Does that mean I'll be joining one club for the entire summer?" It was a bit confusing. But at the beginning of each session, Clubs is explained in detail to anyone who might be having the same confusion that I did. Clubs is an hour-and-a-quarter period in which a variety of normal activities are offered. There are a few differences. Most obviously, the period is longer than those during the day. Secondly, during the day, age groups are, for most activities, split up. But for clubs, age groups are mixed. Anyone can do any club they would like. Lets take a look at a few of the choices offered. |
Let's start at the Sundial, and make a left. Continuing down the road, you would hit Anderson Hall. And behind Anderson are the Ga-Ga courts, where you can find people of all ages jumping to dodge the swiftly moving Ga-Ga ball. |
Continuing towards Maltese Drive, you would find yourself at the soccer fields, another club. |
Counselors participate in clubs as well. | |
Crossing Maltese Drive and turning left, you would hit the Skate Park. |
Off in the distance, you might hear the words "Pull Play!" being screamed from the Ultimate Frisbee club. |
Then, when you realize that if you wanted to get to every club, it would have been smarter to get to the ones closer to your starting point in the beginning, because you end up near your room after a long day, so you begin the trek along the road back to Trevorrow Hall. |
Inside Trevorrow Hall is Arts & Crafts, a popular non-contact club. |
And as always, getting back the sundial, there is shade, which always attracts many campers. Campers who simply want to unwind after a long day choose this to do just that. |